'I can appreciate your impatience, and sympathize with your apparent frustration, but in the midst of my chronic personal chaos and no-less-chronic but presently acute financial pickle, my definition of 'soon' must be 'when I somehow find time to get around to it'.
You, in turn will, I hope, appreciate that you're getting my PhoenixFire blogs gratis, and when you get for nothing something you (evidently) consider valuable, you're not really in a position to demand a schedule. (That's a Cosmic Law.)
If you want a more satisfactory definition of 'soon' all you and others tuning in and enjoying PhoenixFire have to do is provide me with the necessary Wolf Repellent to make that a priority for me, in which case you can even exact in return a committment to a deadline.
That said, I don't blame you for being pissed off!
: I have considered the Kali Yuga, and I concluded that it's an awful design element for a universe. Why create something that has anything bad in it, especially anything that damn long. It's worse than the matrix concept in that film of the same name.
PF8 coming soon! It's been sooooo long in waiting!!!
Looking forward to it - glad that it's still being pursued. Thanks!
Let us hear it! (or redefine your concept of "soon" ;)
'I can appreciate your impatience, and sympathize with your apparent frustration, but in the midst of my chronic personal chaos and no-less-chronic but presently acute financial pickle, my definition of 'soon' must be 'when I somehow find time to get around to it'.
You, in turn will, I hope, appreciate that you're getting my PhoenixFire blogs gratis, and when you get for nothing something you (evidently) consider valuable, you're not really in a position to demand a schedule. (That's a Cosmic Law.)
If you want a more satisfactory definition of 'soon' all you and others tuning in and enjoying PhoenixFire have to do is provide me with the necessary Wolf Repellent to make that a priority for me, in which case you can even exact in return a committment to a deadline.
That said, I don't blame you for being pissed off!
You are absolutely right.
The concept of "soon" could be of course redefined in a broader way.
What kind of Wolf Repellent do you need, and how can we contribute?
Serpent in the Sky is a great book!
: I have considered the Kali Yuga, and I concluded that it's an awful design element for a universe. Why create something that has anything bad in it, especially anything that damn long. It's worse than the matrix concept in that film of the same name.
wolf repellent
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